
Häufig gestellte Fragen

Einige häufig gestellte Fragen zu den Frachtdiensten von Logisco aus dem Logisco-Transportbereich.

01. Wie lange dauert der Installationsprozess von Solarpanels?

Der Installationsprozess dauert normalerweise zwischen 1 und 3 Tagen, abhängig von der Größe des Systems und den Besonderheiten des Standorts. Unser Team wird eine detaillierte Bewertung durchführen, um eine schnelle und effiziente Installation sicherzustellen.

02. Funktionieren Solarpanels auch an bewölkten Tagen?

Ja, Solarpanels funktionieren auch bei bewölktem Wetter. Obwohl die Energieproduktion geringer ist als an sonnigen Tagen, erzeugen die Panels weiterhin Energie aus dem diffusen Sonnenlicht.

03. Wie viel kann ich durch den Umstieg auf Solarpanels sparen?

Die Einsparungen variieren je nach Ihrem aktuellen Energieverbrauch und der Größe der Installation. Unser Team kann bei einer Beratung eine Schätzung der potenziellen Einsparungen erstellen.

04. Wie lang ist die Lebensdauer von Solarpanels?

Solarpaneele haben in der Regel eine Lebensdauer von 25 bis 30 Jahren, mit einer Garantie auf die Energieerzeugung. Unser Unternehmen bietet Unterstützung und Beratung für die optimale Nutzung während der gesamten Lebensdauer.

Instalacija panela
Instalacija panela
Redovna pitanja

Answer of mostly asked questions to us

01. Koliko traje proces instalacije solarnih panela?

Proces instalacije obično traje između 1 i 3 dana, ovisno o veličini sistema i specifičnostima lokacije. Naša ekipa će obaviti detaljnu procjenu kako bismo osigurali brzu i efikasnu instalaciju.

02. Da li solarni paneli rade i tokom oblačnih dana?

Da, solarni paneli rade i kada je oblačno. Iako je proizvodnja energije manja nego tokom sunčanih dana, paneli će i dalje generirati energiju iz difuzne sunčeve svjetlosti.

03. Koliko mogu uštedjeti prelaskom na solarne panele?

Ušteda varira ovisno o vašoj trenutnoj potrošnji energije i veličini instalacije. Naš tim može napraviti procjenu potencijalnih ušteda prilikom konsultacije.

04. Kakvo održavanje zahtijevaju solarni paneli?

Solarni paneli zahtijevaju minimalno održavanje. Preporučujemo redovno čišćenje panela i periodične preglede kako bi sistem radio s maksimalnom efikasnošću.


Answer of mostly asked questions to us

What are the costing of your electrician services?

Fixera offers full range of handyman & cleaning services for household and industrial level. analysis, business consultation, and strategic ways for business. Its an opportunity for new ventures.

What is the cost of wiring in house basement?

Fixera offers full range of handyman & cleaning services for household and industrial level. analysis, business consultation, and strategic ways for business. Its an opportunity for new ventures.

What should we do in a sudden power cut?

Fixera offers full range of handyman & cleaning services for household and industrial level. analysis, business consultation, and strategic ways for business. Its an opportunity for new ventures.

How to claim a insurance for a electric damage?

Fixera offers full range of handyman & cleaning services for household and industrial level. analysis, business consultation, and strategic ways for business. Its an opportunity for new ventures.

Electrical Installation
Electrical repair
Electrical Installation
Electrical repair

Why you should consider Fixera as your roofer

What are the costing of your electrician services?

Fixera offers full range of handyman & cleaning services for household and industrial level. analysis, business consultation, and strategic ways for business. Its an opportunity for new ventures.

What is the cost of wiring in house basement?

Fixera offers full range of handyman & cleaning services for household and industrial level. analysis, business consultation, and strategic ways for business. Its an opportunity for new ventures.

What should we do in a sudden power cut?

Fixera offers full range of handyman & cleaning services for household and industrial level. analysis, business consultation, and strategic ways for business. Its an opportunity for new ventures.

How to claim a insurance for a electric damage?

Fixera offers full range of handyman & cleaning services for household and industrial level. analysis, business consultation, and strategic ways for business. Its an opportunity for new ventures.
